Reducing my depression medication was a difficult decision, but one I knew I had to make. I’ve been on these tablets for so long and have felt such amazing relief from them, it was always going to be hard. But taking that step, after conversations with my therapist and pharmacist, was something I was willing to do in order to be able to move on with my life feeling happier and free from the reliance on medication.
It has not been an easy journey since then, experiencing moments of extreme emotions due to occasionally coming off the tablets too quickly, but eventually I will come through this process better informed and reliant upon myself rather than chemicals.
Instead of feeling scared or helpless right now, I’m confident in the decisions I’ve made, hoping that soon enough they will pay off in better emotional health and happiness.
Remember……you are not alone, and there always somewhere you can speak to someone.
During the pandemic I got my medication reduced TWICE and felt like I'd won a mini-battle; gone back up a little which felt gutting but this gives me hope that one day I can get off the meds too - thank you!