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Share, Care, Talk
Online Mental Health Forum
Here at Share, Care, Talk, we encourage you to post your story or mental health concerns without worry. We are a community of people who are dedicated to support those who may need support with their wellbeing - who knows, someone may be feeling exactly the same way and may take comfort in reading and comment back to you.
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"Happiness is the highest
form of health."
Dalai Lama

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Hi Dan, having already heard your story directly from you in the past, it still shocks me how strong a person you are despite your struggles.
For the benefit of others would you be willing to expand on what you've written. You can edit it. I dont want to pry into your personal life to much as I know its sensitive, but others reading this may be able to empathise or be able to relate to the emotions you feel. Regarding your mental health, are there areas specifically you have difficulties.
As I say, please don't feel pressured into talking about this, I'm on a journey to understand various elements of mental health and I believe a lot can be learnt from tapping into others emotions.
Thank you for your initial post.
Karl @ Share Care Talk